
Hyphenation for node and Polyfill for client-side hyphenation.

View the Project on GitHub mnater/Hyphenopoly

optional fields in setup

This page documents the optional fields in setup:

Global Settings

These settings apply to Hyphenopoly in general.


type: String
default: "include"

Set the RequestCredentials for fetching *.wasm files.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        CORScredentials: "omit",
        selectors: {...}


type: String
default: "en-us"

Sets a fallback language in case no language is set in HTML.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        defaultLanguage: "en-us",
        selectors: {...}

To hyphenate a text, its language needs to be known to the system (be it native CSS hyphenation or Hyphenopoly.js). Thus the language needs to be set in HTML either for the whole document (<html lang="...">) or on the elements. Hyphenopoly.js does a good job here: it searches for a lang-tag going up all the parentNodes of the DOM-tree and passes the language down to childNodes. But if no such tag can be found, it needs defaultLanguage-fall back.

It’s strongly recommended to set the language in HTML and use defaultLanguage only in cases where this wouldn’t be possible!


type: Object
default: {
    video: true,
    audio: true,
    script: true,
    code: true,
    pre: true,
    img: true,
    br: true,
    samp: true,
    kbd: true,
    var: true,
    abbr: true,
    acronym: true,
    sub: true,
    sup: true,
    button: true,
    option: true,
    label: true,
    textarea: true,
    input: true,
    math: true,
    svg: true,
    style: true

Elements in this list with a true-value and their contents are not hyphenated. Change the value to false or delete the line to change this.

    require: [...],
    paths: [...],
    setup: {
        dontHyphenate: {
            video: true,
            audio: true,
            script: true,
            code: true,
            pre: true,
            img: true,
            br: true,
            samp: true,
            kbd: true,
            var: true,
            abbr: true,
            acronym: true,
            sub: true,
            sup: true,
            button: false, //<--
            option: true,
            label: true,
            textarea: true,
            input: true,
            math: true,
            svg: true,
            style: true
        selectors: {...}


type: String
default: "donthyphenate"

Elements with this class will not be hyphenated by Hyphenopoly.js

    require: [...],
    paths: [...],
    setup: {
        dontHyphenateClass: "donthyphenate",
        selectors: {...}

Hyphenopoly.js hyphenates all elements that match the selectors defined in selectors – and it hyphenates their childElements unless they have the dontHyphenateClass set.

<div class="hyphenate">
    <p>This text will be hyphenated by default.</p>
    <p>This will. <span class="donthyphenate">This will not</span> And this will…</p>

Note: According to https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-no-language#nonlinguistic Hyphenopoly will not hyphenate elements with lang="zxx". Consider to set lang="zxx" instead of class="donthyphenate" for elements that have non-linguistic contents.


type: Object
default: undefined

Provide exceptions for hyphenation.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        exceptions: {
            "global": "FORTRAN", //excpetions for all languages
            "en-us": "Web-Assembly, Java-Script" //language-specific exceptions
        selectors: {...}

The exceptions-Object must contain language-codes as keys (or “global” for all languages). The values must be words separated by ,⎵ (comma, space), where a hyphen-minus marks the hyphenation points. If the word does not contain a hyphen, it will not be hyphenated by Hyphenopoly.js

Words that contain a hyphen when unhyphenated should not be entered into the list. Hyphenopoly separates the components of such words individually (see compound words). The individual parts should be entered separately.


type: string ("all" | "element" | "text")
default: "all"

Define if and how elements are made invisible while being hyphenated.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        hide: "element"

To prevent a flash of unhyphenated content (FOUHC) Hyphenopoly hides the elements being hyphenated. Depending on the structure of your page, this can lead to visual flicker. You can change the way Hyphenopoly hides the content:

These CSS-rules are removed when Hyphenopoly has finished its job or when the timeout gets fired.


type: boolean
default: true

Keeps object window.Hyphenopoly in memory to be accessible for further use (e.g. hyphenators). If Hyphenopoly is not used after the initial run, it should be cleared to save memory.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        keepAlive: false,
        selectors: {...}


type: boolean
default: false

Normalize words before hyphenation.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        normalize: true,
        selectors: {...}

The pattern files work with precomposed characters. So an Å (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE) must not be composed of A (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A) and ̊ (COMBINING RING ABOVE) to be recognizable by the hyphenation-engine. If the text contains composed characters they must be normalized to precomposed characters. If normalize is activated and the user agent supports String.prototype.normalize() this can happen automatically. Since this comes with a performance penalty, it is deactivated by default and it’s recommended to use precomposed characters in HTML.


type: boolean
default: false

Configure if Hyphenopoly searches for given selectors in (open) shadowDOMs.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        processShadows: true,
        selectors: {...}

By default, Hyphenopoly only searches for the given selectors in window.document. With this option set to true, Hyphenopoly also searches for the given selectors in Web Components (if accessible, i.e. open).


type: boolean
default: true

Removes soft hyphens from the clipboard.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        safeCopy: true,
        selectors: {...}

To prevent soft hyphens from being copied to the clipboard, Hyphenopoly.js registers an onCopy-Event on hyphenated elements. When text is copied to the clipboard, this event fires and soft hyphens are removed. Other hyphen-characters are NOT removed! This feature is on by default, but it’s a hack — disable it if you don’t like it.


type: Object
default: undefined

Substitute characters

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        substitute: {
            "en-us": {
                "é": "e" //substitute "é" with "e" in "en-us"
        selectors: {...}

If a word contains a letter that is not part of the alphabet defined in the sample file, the word is not hyphenated by default. This is the case for example with “communiqué”. The letter “é” is not in the English alphabet, so the word cannot be hyphenated. These problems can be solved with letter substitutions. If you want to use the letter “e” instead of the letter “é” for the hyphenation process, you can specify this accordingly (see example). “communiqué” is then separated (com-mu-niqué).

The substitute object must contain language-codes as keys. The values are objects themselves, with the characters to be substituted as keys and the substituting characters as values (both lowercase only – Hyphenopoly handles all the letter casing, if necessary).


type: number
default: 1000

To prevent a Flash Of Unhyphenated Content (FOUHC) Hyphenopoly_Loader.js hides text to be hyphenated until hyphenation is done. If something goes wrong (e.g. a resource didn’t load correctly), this timeout saves us from an empty page. The timeout is cleared when hyphenation succeeds.

If the timeout time is an even number, the elements will still be hyphenated as soon as the resources have been loaded completely. This can lead to a reflow of the already displayed text.

If the timeout time is an odd number (e.g. 1001ms), the loading of the requested resources will be aborted and no hyphenation and no reflow will take place.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        timeout: 1000,
        selectors: {...}

See hide about different ways of hiding.

Selector-Based Settings

These settings can be set for each set of elements that are matched by the given selector.


type: string ("auto" | "all" | "hyphen")
default: "hyphen"

Define how compound words (words containing a hyphen) will be treated.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        selectors: {
            ".hyphenate": {
                compound: "hyphen"

Not all browsers recognize the hyphen as a possible line-breaking spot. Thus, we have to handle this. There are three possible values:

“auto”: leave the hyphen as it is and hyphenate the parts: com|pu|ter-aid|ed

“all”: hyphenate the parts and insert a zero-width space after the hyphen: com|pu|ter-|aid|ed

“hyphen”: don’t hyphenate the parts but insert a zero-width space after the hyphen: computer-|aided


type: String (a single character!)
default: "\u00AD" (&shy; | &#173;)

The hyphen character.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        selectors: {
            ".hyphenate": {
                hyphen: "\u00AD"

Can be set to something visible for testing and documentation. Characters that have a special meaning in RegularExpressions (.\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:-) are not allowed.

leftmin and rightmin

type: number
default: 0

The minimal number of characters before the first hyphenation point (leftmin) and the minimal number of characters after the last hyphenation point (rightmin).

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        selectors: {
            ".hyphenate": {
                leftmin: 0,
                rightmin: 0

Leftmin and rightmin are provided by the pattern file but can be overwritten with larger values. If the value is smaller than the value from the pattern file, it has no effect. leftmin and rightmin have an effect on the whole set of elements, disregarding the language of the subelements.

leftminPerLang and rightminPerLang:

type: object | 0
default: 0

While leftmin and rightmin have an effect on all elements that are matched by the selector, leftminPerLang and rightminPerLang are language specific.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        selectors: {
            ".hyphenate": {
                leftminPerLang: {
                    "en-us": 3,
                    "de": 4

If both (left-/rightmin and left-/rightminPerLanguage) are specified, the highest value is used.


type: number
default: 6

Minimal length of words to be hyphenated.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        selectors: {
            ".hyphenate": {
                minWordLength: 6


type: boolean
default: true

If set to false, it prevents hyphenation of mixed-case words.

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        selectors: {
            ".hyphenate": {
                mixedCase: false

According to a note in the css-text draft mixed-case words may not be hyphenated. This setting defaults to true, because this simple heuristic excludes words at the beginning of a sentence from being hyphenated.


type: number (1 | 2 | 3)
default: 1

Prevent orphans

    require: {...},
    paths: {...},
    setup: {
        selectors: {
            ".hyphenate": {
                orphanControl: 1

There are three stages:

  1. Allow orphans
  2. Do not hyphenate the last word of an element.
  3. Do not hyphenate an element’s last word and replace the preceding space with a no-breaking space.