
Hyphenation for node and Polyfill for client-side hyphenation.

View the Project on GitHub mnater/Hyphenopoly

hyphenopoly module

The Hyphenopoly package contains a file called hyphenopoly.module.js. This module provides hyphenation of plain text for applications beyond the browser.

Note 1: The node module of Hyphenopoly does not support hyphenation of strings containing HTML — just plain text. If you need to hyphenate HTML-Strings, you must first parse them.

Note 2: Even if it is possible, it is not recommended to use hyphenopoly.module.js in browser environments. Use Hyphenopoly_Loader.js and Hyphenopoly.js instead.


npm install hyphenopoly


Hyphenopoly needs two things to run correctly:

These things are configured in the hyphenopoly.config() function, which returns a Map of either promises for language specific hyphenators (default async case) or a Map of language specific hyphenators (sync case).

Usage with one language:

import hyphenopoly from "hyphenopoly";
import {readFile} from "node:fs/promises";

function loader(file, patDir) {
    return readFile(new URL(file, patDir));

const textHyphenators = hyphenopoly.config({
    "hyphen": "",
    "require": ["en-us"]

    (hyphenateText) => {
        console.log(hyphenateText("Hyphenation enhances justification."));
    (e) => {

More then one language:

import hyphenopoly from "hyphenopoly";
import {readFile} from "node:fs/promises";

function loader(file, patDir) {
    return readFile(new URL(file, patDir));

const textHyphenators = hyphenopoly.config({
    "hyphen": "",
    "require": ["de", "en-us"]

    (hyphenateText) => {
        console.log(hyphenateText("Silbentrennung verbessert den Blocksatz."));

    (hyphenateText) => {
        console.log(hyphenateText("Hyphenation enhances justification."));

Synchronous mode

By default, hyphenopoly.config returns a Map of promises. Some code bases are not yet capable of handling async code. By setting "sync" : true the hyphenopoly module switches to a sync mode and returns a Map of hyphenators. Consequently, a synchronous loader loaderSync must also be used.

import hyphenopoly from "../hyphenopoly.module.js";
import {readFileSync} from "node:fs";

function loaderSync(file, patDir) {
    return readFileSync(new URL(file, patDir));

const hyphenator = hyphenopoly.config({
    "exceptions": {
        "en-us": "en-han-ces"
    "hyphen": "",
    "require": ["de", "en-us"],
    "sync": true

const hy1 = hyphenator.get("en-us")("hyphenation enhances justification.");
const hy2 = hyphenator.get("de")("Silbentrennung verbessert den Blocksatz.");



The .config-method takes an object as an argument:


    "compound": "hyphen",
    "exceptions": {},
    "hyphen": String.fromCharCode(173),
    "leftmin": 0,
    "loader": undefined, //required
    "loaderSync": undefined,
    "minWordLength": 6,
    "mixedCase": true,
    "normalize": false,
    "orphanControl": 1,
    "require": [], //required
    "rightmin": 0,
    "sync": false


The loader function is called with two arguments:

It must return a promise that resolves with a buffer of the language file.

Here are some examples:

/* A typical node loader using fs/promises */
import hyphenopoly from "hyphenopoly";
import {readFile} from "node:fs/promises";

function loader(file) {
    return readFile(new URL(file, patDir));
const hyphenator = hyphenopoly.config({
    "require": []
/* A typical deno loader using Deno.readFile (--allow-read) */
import hyphenopoly from "hyphenopoly";

function loader(file) {
    return Deno.readFile(new URL(file, patDir));
const hyphenator = hyphenopoly.config({
    "require": []
/* A node loader using https */
import hyphenopoly from "hyphenopoly";

async function https(file) {
    const https = await import("node:https");
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        https.get(`https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hyphenopoly@5.0.0-beta.5/patterns/${file}`, (res) => {
            const rawData = [];
            res.on("data", (chunk) => {
            res.on("end", () => {
            res.on("error", (e) => {
const hyphenator = hyphenopoly.config({
    "loader": https,
    "require": []
/* A node loader using fetch */
import hyphenopoly from "hyphenopoly";

function fetcher(file) {
    return fetch(`https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hyphenopoly@5.0.0-beta.5/patterns/${file}`).then((response) => {
        return response.arrayBuffer();
const hyphenator = hyphenopoly.config({
    "loader": fetcher,
    "require": []


If hyphenopoly is run in sync-mode, a loaderSync must be defined instead of loader. The loaderSync function is called with two arguments:

It must return a promise that resolves with a buffer of the language file.

Of course, this does not work with fetch and https, which are inherently async.

/* A snchrounous node loader using fs */
import hyphenopoly from "../hyphenopoly.module.js";
import {readFileSync} from "node:fs";

function loaderSync(file) {
    return readFileSync(new URL(file, patDir));

const hyphenator = hyphenopoly.config({
    "require": []

Other options

For documentation about the other options see the Hyphenopoly.js-documentation:

Supported languages

A list of supported languages can be programmatically obtained by looking at Hyphenopoly.supportedLanguages:

import hyphenopoly from "hyphenopoly";
hyphenopoly.supportedLanguages.includes("en-us"); //true
hyphenopoly.supportedLanguages.includes("en"); //false